Invisalign Success Testimonial

Invisalign Success Testimonial

Our practice has helped hundreds of people get straighter, healthier smiles.

The Stanley Dentistry badge, which consists of three horizontal lines. The top line is flat, the second is slightly curved, and the third is more curved. This represents the journey to finding your smile!The Stanley Dentistry badge, which consists of three horizontal lines. The top line is flat, the second is slightly curved, and the third is more curved. This represents the journey to finding your smile!

Why did you make an appointment at Stanley Dentistry?

“I started the process of Invisalign through my career — I felt [my career] necessitated better presentation of myself because everyone judged me by first impressions. So, I needed to show myself in the best possible way. I came in [to Stanley Dentistry] looking for how to get done what I needed to done. I knew I needed a lot of work. So, I [thought] I was going to do traditional braces because I was basically told:
3-4 years in traditional braces, get ready for it.”

When Dr. Bobbi said, “Well, Invisalign would be good,” I thought, “well that’s not possible.” Because [other dentists said I couldn’t do Invisalign]. They said I could do traditional braces for six months and then maybe Invisalign the rest of the time — but I had a lot of work to do. So when I came here and Dr. Bobbi said Invisalign, I thought, “are you sure?” And then they said “no, not three years,” but maybe six months and I was like, “are you sure?” Because I couldn’t believe all this could be done in a way that was just so nonintrusive and non-disruptive to the way that I look — and yet had faster results! Just the whole thing was wonderful. I was pretty impressed. But yeah, I thought it was going to be traditional braces and went through the whole process of analyzing what I needed and how to get where I wanted to be.

Would you recommend Invisalign to friends and family?

I would absolutely recommend Invisalign! Actually, I already have to a few people. It had quick results that didn’t require me to come into the office every week or every couple of weeks. It was something I could do myself. [The trays were] invisible — and not like Scotch tape where they say it’s invisible but you can totally see it. Nobody noticed it until I really opened my mouth. So I would recommend Invisalign to anybody for anything!

How was your experience with the Stanley Dentistry team?

Invisalign results
Brandon’s smile before and after Invisalign

My experience with Brenda and Dr. Bobbi has been absolutely everything I wanted. I mean, I wanted a personalized experience. I didn’t want to be fit into a template or a mold that says, “well this is the way we know how to do it so we’re going to get you into this mold so that we can do it the way we want to.” I wanted more of, “what do you need and let’s take what we know and to apply it to a personal experience to help fit it into what you need.”

When I looked into Invisalign, a lot of people were saying, “Well you can do Invisalign but a lot of people aren’t that experienced with it, so they will do the molds and they’ll send it in and you’ll get your Invisalign.” They said it’s best if you know somebody who can kind of tell [the Invisalign lab] what they should do. Because these people (your dental team) know you and Invisalign doesn’t. When I found out that Dr. Bobbi was going to be looking at my teeth and instructing [the Invisalign lab] on how to go along with it, that’s exactly what I was looking for. I wanted somebody who knew me to be telling other people [who don’t know me] how to go about it. I thought that was great.

Would you recommend Stanley Dentistry?

I would absolutely recommend Stanley Dentistry to anybody, honestly. From children to adults and older, I would absolutely recommend them every single time. I couldn’t have had a better experience. [Everyone was] more willing to work with me.”

Interested in Invisalign?

Our practice has helped hundreds of people get straighter, healthier smiles. Dr. Bobbi Stanley and her orthodontic team can tackle most any kind of misalignment so don’t be afraid to book an appointment and learn about your options. While Invisalign is not capable of straightening every smile, it can do quite a lot. If you’re interested in getting Invisalign or another kind of orthodontic treatment, call (919) 460-9665 or schedule a complimentary consultation online here.

The Stanley Dentistry badge, which consists of three horizontal lines. The top line is flat, the second is slightly curved, and the third is more curved. This represents the journey to finding your smile!