Pediatric Dentistry

Great dental practice for kids in Cary, NC

Through every stage of your child’s life, our dentists can take care of all of their dental needs, from their first tooth to their final braces appointment.

From Childhood to Adulthood

What makes Stanley Dentistry different? It’s simple: continuity of care. Through every stage of your child’s life, our dentists can take care of all of their dental needs, from their first tooth to their final braces appointment.

Because our dentists see their patients throughout the years, they can find, diagnose, and treat problems much faster than dentists who specialize in only one particular area. Whatever dental services your child needs as he or she grows, we’ll be able to handle them.

This means your child won’t have to go through the stress of visiting an orthodontist, an oral surgeon, and a family dentist as they mature. At Stanley Dentistry, Dr. Robert and Dr. Bobbi Stanley have extensive training and experience in every realm of pediatric dentistry (plus they have four kids of their own!)

Some of our

Pediatric Dentistry


Frequently Asked Questions about

Pediatric Dentistry

We’ve compiled this list of frequently asked questions so help you be as informed about our services as possible. If you have a question that is not on this list please feel free to contact our office, we are here to help!

What are the benefits of a frenectomy?

Frenectomies can be life-changing for babies and kids who need them. They can make everything from eating and drinking to speaking and smiling that much easier. Children who are tongue or lip-tied need to get frenectomies when they’re young because the healing process is significantly easier when they’re little. A frenectomy on an adult is doable but, like with tonsillectomies, it requires a longer healing period and can come with additional complications.

Can lip tie affect speech?

Tongue ties are more likely to cause problems with speech than lip ties.

Can you eat after a frenectomy?

For one to two weeks after the surgery, patients should stick to a soft food diet. Ice cream, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and apple sauce are all great post-frenectomy foods.

Does a frenectomy affect your smile?

A frenectomy may make it easier for a child to smile.

What is a tongue and lip tie revision?

A tongue or lip tie “revision” is another way to say frenectomy.

Does lip tie mean tongue tie?

Lip tie and tongue tie are not the same things. Tongue ties happen when the lingual frenum is too thick or stiff, causing speech impairments or difficulty eating. Lip ties affect the labial frenum, which is the small band of flesh that connects the upper and lower gums to the lips. Frenectomies, along with proper therapy, can treat both lip ties and tongue ties.

When should my child get a frenectomy?

If a tongue-tie or lip-tie is affecting your child breastfeeding, we recommend getting them into the office for a frenectomy as soon as possible. The procedure is very non-invasive and can mean the difference between your baby gaining needed weight during their first year.

What is the recovery time for a frenectomy?

As with all surgeries (even minor ones), frenectomy patients should expect some minor bleeding and swelling post-op. Because we use a tiny laser to perform the surgery, the bleeding is very minimal. For pain, we recommend using Tylenol and Advil. Within a week or two, frenectomy patients should be feeling back to normal!

Are sealants covered by insurance?

Usually, insurance companies will cover sealants for children. If you want to make sure your insurance covers sealants, you can speak with our insurance specialist before your appointment.

Are there any side effects of sealants?

Sealants are non-invasive and don’t require any surgery, sedation, or painkillers. Sealants are made of plastic and do not pose any harm to your child.

How do you apply sealants?

Placing sealants is simple, fast, and painless. Dentists use an acidic gel to slightly roughen the chewing surface of the tooth. This increases the tooth’s ability to bond to the plastic sealant. After rinsing and drying the tooth, the dentist will place the sealant and harden it using a blue light.

When should my child get sealants?

Children usually get their first molars at six and their second molars at twelve. If you notice that your child’s molars have erupted, schedule an appointment at our Cary office. It’s best to put sealants on early to ensure that the molars start off (and stay) healthy.

Should my child get sealants?

Like most other dental offices, Stanley Dentistry recommends that children get sealants soon after their molars erupt. It’s a safe, easy, and pain-free way to keep your child’s teeth healthy. In the long run, they save families a lot of money.

Why should you believe us?

Don’t take our word for it! See what 1,000 happy patients have to say!

We don’t want to toot our own horn, but we are proud of our reputation. We feel that it is a reflection of the hard work and dedication we have committed to our profession, as well as a representation of the passion we have for providing exceptional care to our patients. At Stanley Dentistry, our goal is to earn our patient’s trust and loyalty.

The Stanley Dentistry badge, which consists of three horizontal lines. The top line is flat, the second is slightly curved, and the third is more curved. This represents the journey to finding your smile!The Stanley Dentistry badge, which consists of three horizontal lines. The top line is flat, the second is slightly curved, and the third is more curved. This represents the journey to finding your smile!
Are we the right dental practice for you?

Winner of 21 22 best dentist awards

We’re honored to have been awarded 22 best dentist awards by the Triangle community. From the Western Wake County Maggy Awards to the News and Observers Raleigh’s Best, our patients have been vocal in their support!

How can we help you today?

The first step on your journey to exceptional dental care is for us to learn more about your specific needs.

Tell us about your dental needs!
Dr. Rob and Dr. Bobbi with patient
The Stanley Dentistry badge, which consists of three horizontal lines. The top line is flat, the second is slightly curved, and the third is more curved. This represents the journey to finding your smile!