Giving Back with Halloween Candy
Wondering what to do with your leftover Halloween candy? Why not send it to us?
Wondering what to do with your leftover Halloween candy? Why not send it to us?
Wondering what to do with your leftover Halloween candy? We always encourage our patients to limit their sugar intake, but we also don’t want your treats to go to waste. Instead of throwing away your leftover candy, why not send it to us? With October 31st just around the corner, we wanted to remind you about our annual Candy Give Back program. We’ve partnered with the USO of North Carolina to send your treats to troops overseas and share some of the holiday fun.
This mission is very personal to us at Stanley Dentistry. Dr. Bobbi and Dr. Rob’s son, Robert J Stanley III, is a petty officer of the Navy and is currently serving in Guam for a three-year assignment. We hope that the Candy Give Back program will give service members like him a sweet taste of home and a reminder that we’re proud of them. It’s also a great way to repurpose candy that would otherwise end up in a landfill or as cavities in your teeth.
If you’d like to give some of your candy back this Halloween, stop by our office! We will be accepting candy from November 1-3 during regular office hours, and you’re welcome to drop off your treats whether you’re a patient or not. We will offer $1 per pound, and once all the candy has been collected, we will send it off to become part of the troops’ holiday stockings. Please make sure that any leftover candies you donate are unopened and undamaged. We hope to see you soon, and enjoy your Halloween festivities!