Fountain of Youth Dentures™ in Cary offers the most customized fit possible in a removable denture. The design of Fountain of Youth Dentures™ creates a better functioning, more supportive, and better-looking fit so you look and feel better. Over time, those with traditional dentures can experience bone loss where the teeth used to be, causing the face to have a sunken-in look. Fountain of Youth Dentures™ is a new and non-surgical way to achieve a facelift dentures for patients by restoring your smile.
Disclaimer: The Fountain of Youth Dentures™ services are in no way related to Dr. Sam Muslin’s exclusive Face Lift Dentistry® treatment.
This exciting new technology provides underlying facial support while also plumping lips and reducing wrinkles. This special type of dentures in Cary can fill out your face for a better look and appearance while at the same time filling the role of a traditional denture.
Fountain of Youth Dentures™ in my area offers the most customized fit possible and allows you to experience functional and aesthetic benefits that traditional dentures don’t. Most dentures cause a facial appearance that appears to be sunken in, which can cause a prematurely-aged look. Fountain of Youth Dentures™ is the only type of face lift dentures that works to combat jaw bone resorption, the main cause of a sunken facial appearance.
After your initial consultation, getting your Fountain of Youth Dentures™ can take a few weeks. Fountain of Youth Dentures™ are highly customized and is expertly crafted to have the best fit possible.
If you are interested in learning more about Fountain of Youth Dentures™ in my area, please call our office at (919) 460-9665 or come in for your consultation. We would love to tell you about the benefits and why they might be the perfect option for you!
We don’t want to toot our own horn, but we are proud of our reputation. We feel that it is a reflection of the hard work and dedication we have committed to our profession, as well as a representation of the passion we have for providing exceptional care to our patients. At Stanley Dentistry, our goal is to earn our patient’s trust and loyalty.
We’re honored to have been awarded 22 best dentist awards by the Triangle community. From the Western Wake County Maggy Awards to the News and Observers Raleigh’s Best, our patients have been vocal in their support!
The first step on your journey to exceptional dental care is for us to learn more about your specific needs.
Tell us about your dental needs!